Found 7 blog entries tagged as jacksonville real estate.

What is a competitive market analysis and what role does it play in the home selling process?

This question is often asked by home sellers when they put their Jacksonville home on the market. If you are working with a real estate agent, he or she will likely use a competitive market analysis, often referred to as CMA, to determine the listing price for your home.

A CMA can be a short, one or two-page document, or it can be a rather lengthy and in-depth document. The detail and size of the CMA for your Jacksonville property will largely depend on your agent. However, most CMAs detail the following information:

  • Active Listings – Active listings are essentially all homes that are currently for sale in your area. The active listings…

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We all know that the housing market is competitive right now amongst home sellers. There are more sellers than buyers and the large inventory of homes is enough to make any seller more than a bit nervous.

So, what can you do to attract home buyers if your Jacksonville home needs repairs, updates or improvements? The biggest question, in fact, among homeowners in this situation is: is it worth it to make repairs or improvements or to sell my house in its current condition?

The answer to this question is not as cut and dry as it may seem. In fact, the decision to make repairs and improvements on your home can vary widely depending on the town and neighborhood in which you live.

Your best bet when making the decision to sell your home as-is or make…

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Do you know what your homeowner’s insurance policy covers? More importantly, do you know what it doesn’t cover?

If you’re like most Americans, you have not given much thought to the details of your homeowner’s insurance policy lately. However, being unaware of your level of coverage can lead to a great deal of heartache and a large dent in your pocket.

Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you’re savvy about the details of your homeowner’s insurance policy:

Do you know whether your policy covers actual cash value or replacement cost value?

These two phrases can mean the difference between no out-of-pocket expenses should your Jacksonville home need to be repaired or replaced and falling short.

If your Jacksonville home is…

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Everyone who owns a Jacksonville home must have a homeowner’s insurance policy, yet these policies are often misunderstood. And unfortunately, most homeowners don’t realize their homeowner’s insurance does not cover specific things until it is too late.

Owning a homeowner’s insurance policy is just like any other type of insurance: there are different levels of coverage, different inclusions and certainly different exclusions. It is up you to educate yourself on the nuances of your homeowner’s insurance policy so that you will not find yourself stuck in a financial disaster should something happen to your home or your home’s belongings.

Am I protected from flooding?

No. Flood damage is not protected by a standard homeowner’s insurance policy, as was…

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Most buyers have dreams of finding that perfect deal –you know, the worst house in the best neighborhood kind of deal. And many buyers find that home through the foreclosure process.

Many homes in the foreclosure process can be bought for substantially less than other comparable homes in the same neighborhood – often as much as 30 percent less.

But as with any other kind of transaction, it pays to be educated before diving into purchasing a Jacksonville property in foreclosure.

The following tips are designed to serve as a starting point when considering the purchase of a foreclosed home:

  • Find a qualified real estate agent who has extensive experience dealing with foreclosures. A qualified real estate agent will prove invaluable…

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All over the country, building costs are rising. Shortage of wood and other construction materials after Hurricane Katrina have affected building costs nationwide, and Jacksonville real estate is no exception. Estimating costs correctly becomes even more important when overall costs are high, because limiting waste will limit cost.

Square Footage

In general, the larger the square footage, the higher the costs. Note, though, that larger buildings cost more, but they cost less per square foot than smaller buildings. When determining square footage, include everything inside the main walls, porches, and walled additions.


Each part of the house is assigned a “class”, from low to high. The class designation depends on the building…

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This is it, you’ve decided to stop renting and purchase a home.  It’s exciting, and it’s scary all at once.  Big steps, big numbers, mind numbing forms, stacks of contract papers, and still, in the end you have embraced your dream of owning your very first home!

First Steps

Look at what you are paying for rent, determine how much more or less you would be comfortable with for a mortgage payment.  Get that figure firmly in your mind.  Think about it carefully.  Write it down.

Now, hit the yellow pages book or go on-line and look up mortgage lenders.  Interview several.  Talk, ask questions, and if you are not happy with the answers try the next in line.  If none of them give you answers that make you happy, look at your circumstances again and make…

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