Found 2 blog entries tagged as selling advice.

Closing Costs are those pesky things that you do not always think about up front when looking for a home or even selling one.  Part of understanding closing costs and how they are determined has to do with governmental taxes, fees for recording of the new deed, fees for the title search to verify that the seller has clear title to sell.  Others may be ‘discount points’ for your loan.  In any case, getting an estimate at the beginning of the process is the best you can hope for. Often times, although a trained professional can perform a close estimation process, even your realtor will not know the exact bottom line until the paper is ready to sign and you have to put the money on the table.

Closing Costs for the Seller

Easy. They take the closing costs…

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It may be time, for a variety of reasons or circumstance, to change your living arrangements and go from a large home to a smaller one.  A daunting challenge on a good day, and there are many things to consider.  Think about the furniture you have, and what to keep, what to sell or give.

If you have a large extended family, sending some of your collected treasures on to them makes part of this process much easier.  For the rest, especially if you have large collections of specific things you may want to talk with an estate auction service. 

Estate Auction – Not Just For Foreclosure or Heirs

Estate Auction services have people who specialize in valuing and offering your valuables for sale to a good market.  There is no reason the handmade…

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