What is a competitive market analysis and what role does it play in the home selling process?

This question is often asked by home sellers when they put their Jacksonville home on the market. If you are working with a real estate agent, he or she will likely use a competitive market analysis, often referred to as CMA, to determine the listing price for your home.

A CMA can be a short, one or two-page document, or it can be a rather lengthy and in-depth document. The detail and size of the CMA for your Jacksonville property will largely depend on your agent. However, most CMAs detail the following information:

  • Active Listings – Active listings are essentially all homes that are currently for sale in your area. The active listings…

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We all know that the housing market is competitive right now amongst home sellers. There are more sellers than buyers and the large inventory of homes is enough to make any seller more than a bit nervous.

So, what can you do to attract home buyers if your Jacksonville home needs repairs, updates or improvements? The biggest question, in fact, among homeowners in this situation is: is it worth it to make repairs or improvements or to sell my house in its current condition?

The answer to this question is not as cut and dry as it may seem. In fact, the decision to make repairs and improvements on your home can vary widely depending on the town and neighborhood in which you live.

Your best bet when making the decision to sell your home as-is or make…

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