Found 1 blog entry tagged as Johns County real estate.

condominiums_-_apartment_convenience_with_some_benefits_of_ownership._923Let us take a closer look at the common questions one may ponder when they entertain the idea of purchasing a condominium.

Good Things

Convenience, no lawn maintenance, shared amenities.

Bad Things

Surrounded by neighbors, no lawn, sharing all the amenities.

But Wait…..

That’s right, some of the good things are also the bad.  The pool, if any, is shared.  You have to schedule private parties that need the big party room.

Some of the bad things are good.  You do not have the luxury of a private rose garden, but then you do not have to weed and mow and edge yourself.

Condo living is for people who do not mind hearing their neighbors through the next wall, above and below.  It is a comfortable space for people who travel a lot, have…

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